An Afternoon of Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra (plus Xmas Refreshments) – Sunday 15/Dec/2019

With the modern busy lifestyles we lead, we are often so busy with work, family commitments and travel that we forget to take time out to rest and recuperate. We can often end up feeling exhausted and unable to enjoy any free time because we are so tired. Often, if we do manage to fit in some physical exercise, it is often high energy, such as running or aerobic fitness classes, which whilst being invaluable for our physical health and fitness, do not offer our bodies any time to relax.

Sound familiar? Then why not join me for 2 hours of restorative yoga and relaxation?

Date : 15/12/2019

Time : 14:00 to 16:30

Location : Penketh Community Primary School, Penketh, Warrington, WA5 2QY.

Price : £12 in advance (pre-payment more that 48 hours in advance – no refunds), £15 on the day (if spaces available).

Just a couple of hours from your busy schedule to unwind, rest and digest. Give yourself the opportunity to recharge your batteries. All those things you have to do will still be there afterwards, but you will feel better equipped to deal with it all!

Restorative Yoga balances a busy lifestyle and more active fitness regimes and helps to counteract physical and mental symptoms that are stress related.

Restorative yoga does not involve muscular contraction; during a restorative yoga class you still stretch, but you relax fully into a stretch, so that tension can be slowly released. It is often believed that you have to “work” to increase flexibility, but we can achieve opening in parts of the body that we perceive as tight, by softening and relaxing rather than through a more dynamic, fast paced yoga practice.

Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) will end the practice.